The CICA International Webinar Series is a dynamic platform that unites thought leaders, experts, career practitioners, and researchers from Australia and around the globe. Each webinar session delves into issues and innovations relevant to the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners, with a focus on both the core and specialized competencies.
By aligning presentations and discussions with these competencies, the series ensures that participants gain insights and practical strategies directly applicable to their professional context. Whether you’re a seasoned career practitioner, a policymaker, or a researcher, the CICA International Webinar Series offers:
- Cutting-edge Content: Engage with leading voices in career development, exploring the latest trends, tools, and approaches that shape professional practice.
- Practical Application: Connect newly acquired knowledge to the Professional Standards, ensuring that learning outcomes can be immediately integrated into day-to-day practice and client interactions.
- Global Collaboration: Network with a diverse community of professionals and researchers, fostering cross-border partnerships and knowledge sharing.
- Ongoing Professional Growth: Enhance your professional toolkit while building long-term connections and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement in the field.
Through this series, CICA underscores its commitment to maintaining high-quality career development practices in Australia while embracing the wealth of global expertise that advances the field as a whole.