
Wed, 12 Mar, 9am - 10am AEDT 
OPENING SESSION: Future Generations Day: Why Our Generation Matters: Be a Game Changer
Great Hall, level 5 Building 1/15 Broadway Ultimo University of Technology
Wed, 12 Mar, 10am - 11am AEDT 
What YOU(TH) can do to make a difference for the climate!
University of Technology Sydney 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 10am - 11am AEDT 
Gen Alpha and The Sustainable Fashion Revolution
Balcony: Level 5, Building 1/15 Broadway, Ultimo. Balcony: Level 5, Building 1/15 Broadway, Ultimo.
Wed, 12 Mar, 11am - 12:30pm AEDT 
Gen Z Driving the Green Tech Revolution
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) - Building 1 - Level 5 - Zone A Ext Great Hall 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 11am - 11:45am AEDT 
Ocean Youth Leaders chat with Dr Emma Camp about mysteries of our OCEAN
Great Hall, Level 5 Building 1/15 Broadway 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 11:15am - 1pm AEDT 
Ocean Youth in Action: Creating Tangible Solutions for a Safe Climate
University of Technology Sydney, Balcony Room 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 12pm - 1pm AEDT 
Towards a COP 31 that works for future generations: a panel and networking event
Great Hall, Level 5 Building 1/ 15 Broadway. University of Technology Broadway, Ultimo
Wed, 12 Mar, 12pm - 2pm AEDT 
Cool the Country
Jones St Foyer, UTS Central (Building 2) 61 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 12:30pm - 2:30pm AEDT 
Green IT: Educating, Recruiting, Transforming Tomorrow
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) - Ext Great Hall 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 12:45pm - 2pm AEDT 
Lunchtime Workshop: Empowering Schools for a Net-Zero Future Launch of Innovative Opportunity Cards
Balcony room, Level 5, University of Technology Sydney Building 1 University of Technology Sydney Building 1, 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Wed, 12 Mar, 2pm - 5:30pm AEDT 
Storytelling for Change
15 Broadway / Balcony Room, Level 5, Building 1 University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo
Wed, 12 Mar, 2:30pm - 3:30pm AEDT 
Meet the Solutionists: Entrepreneurship in Action
UTS Solutions House - Great Hall Level 5, Building 1, 1/15 Broadway Ultimo, NSW, 2007


Giving Youth a Voice in the Climate Crisis

We are making decisions today that will shape the lives of future generations—yet too often, they are not at the table. Future Generations Day is about changing that. This is your moment. Your voice matters. Join us for a full-day event at University of Technology Sydney, where young people will step up, speak out, and demand action. This is your chance to be heard, to inspire, to lead.